If you have observed, during this current market correction, the high dividend yield stocks had held up reasonably well compared to most of the other stocks. For medium and long term investors, this is much welcomed.
Investors ought to identify their own trading psychology
and objective, whether it is long or short term, and trade accordingly.
Many people, I know, are confused and do not have a clear picture of
their stock trading objectives. As a result, they are neither here nor
there. They trade rather randomly. This has often resulted in
unfavourable results for them.
methodology is a combination of FA (Fundamental Analysis) and TA
(Technical Analysis). So, the equilibrium of the equation would be FA +
TA = Your trading methodology. If you are a day trader or short term trader, your reliance on TA would be higher, almost 100%. As you move towards a more medium and longer term view of your stock investment, then your reliance on FA would be much higher. That is why, Warren Buffet, who is basically a long term investor,
can recently remarked in an interview that he doesn't care if DJIA had
risen 500 pts or fallen 500 pts - he would still buy a company if he
sees that it is a good company. Short term traders would need to be
highly skilled in their TA, while long term traders would need to do
their FA research well. There is no right or wrong style. Know your
trading objective, brush up your skills for that type of investment
objective and stick to the discipline of it.